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Natural Hair Care

Specializing in natural hair care, Locs, extensions, and all hair services.
Learn the multiple methods of installing dreadlocks and extensions. Includes detailed instruction on sectioning, sizing and technique.
Learn how to tighten and bring in loose hairs on lengths, as well as best practice for base maintenance. Strategies for fixing loops as well as what to do when you encounter problems such as dread rot or buildup.
Learn how to perform dread repair, including simple base separation all the way through to re-sectioning.
Products & Scalp care
Learn about scalp conditions that are common with new and established locs, and how to treat these. Includes thorough product education, so that you are best placed to offer your clients advice that suits their unique needs.

1. Gets rid of buildup
2. Balances pH levels
3.Prevents mold, mildew, lice
4. Softens locs
5. Tames frizz & fuzz
and so much more benefits....

Natural Hair Care
No Chemicals
Learn to care for natural hair without the use of chemicals such as perms/relaxers and hair color.
Learn to properly blow-out, flat iron textured hair and styling. Reducing heat damage.
Learn multiple techniques on how to install extensions, braiding, twists and cornrows on natural hair.
Keeping Safe
Get educated on the proper health, safety, and sanitation procedures to avoid spreading infections.